As a woman, you have inherent skills that can make you a savvy and successful real estate investor even if you have never owned property before. A recent survey suggests that you will find most of the real estate decisions being taken by the women. According to the recent survey conducted by the wealth holders you will find more than 39% of them to be women.
Women's earnings have accelerated over the last few years and they have emerged as the Chief Purchasing Officers in their households. According to the internal revenue service(IRS) data, women constitute 39 % of the top wealth holders in the country.
Another growing trend that emerged in a December 2006 study by the National Association of Realtors (NAR) was that about 22 % of homes purchased between July 2005 and June 2006 were by single women who were in the 25 to 34 age range. Women's growing success in their careers, higher education, financial independence and a desire to build an early nest on their own, are some of the reasons that have spearheaded this home buying trend.
Whether you're looking to build on the skills you already have, or simply master the nuts and bolts of buying, selling, and investing in real estate, this is the hands-on guide for you. It provides valuable insight into why women naturally make ideal real estate investors, as well as tools to help you successfully. There are some points that a woman real estate investor or a woman real estate agent has to take in mind while investing in real estate:
- Find, negotiate and finance properties.
- Determine viable and appropriate deals.
- Buy and hold, fix and remodel and sell at the right time.
- Manage money and clients.
- Build confidence and expertize in real estate market.